Brand New Math
Monday, December 24, 2007 Cooking time: 15 Mins. Preparation time: 15 Mins. Main cooking utensils: saucepan, frying pan
For 4 people you need: 1 oz butter, 1 oz flour, 1/2 pint milk, bay leaf, 2-3 oz peanut butter, 1 pint chicken stock OR water and stock cubes, seasoning.
Brand New Math's EP arrived in my mail box a few weeks ago wrapped in a whole bunch of recipe cards, copyright 1967. Among the bunch were classic dishes like Cheese Boats, Glazed Cherry Bread and Baked Fish with Normandy Source. In the middle of all the recipes was a CD with soon-to-be-Kiwi-classics Weapon of Parnell, Asthma Kids & Allergies and Love & Rockets.
1 Heat butter in pan, then stir in flour and cook for several minutes, stirring well.
As Auckland's answer to everything rad (Wellington has D-Rad), BNM have been described as a "super group" by several un-named sources. Einstein could say that too, but we like to think of BNM having its own personality. Sure Teenwolf and Phony Bone are great in their own right, but why the need to compare?
2 Remove from heat, stir in milk then bring to boil. Cook until smooth and thick, stirring well. Add the bay leaf.
All songs are written and practiced in a flat on Upper Queen St, close to K-Road and a stone's throw from St Kevin's Arcade. The music runs a sci-fi tight rope, balancing keys and guitar to the tune of a beyond-2000 science fiction novel.
3 Put the peanut butter into a basin, gradually blend in the warm sauce, then return to the pan, adding stock and seasoning.
Brand New Math have revealed they will be playing at Camp A Low Hum in 2008. They will join Little Pictures and Bang! Bang! Eche! who have also prematurely announced their attendance. Einstein has it from the most reliable source possible that five Australian bands will be attending and there will be a special overseas guest that Blink will only reveal minutes before they take the stage.
4 To serve, pour into cups or soup bowls.
Brand New Math- Weapon of Parnell: MP3
// and there will be a special overseas guest that Blink will only reveal minutes before they take the stage.
haha. really? Did I say that?
You did...stop trying to play games...haha
Exciting!!!! I wanna go NOW! heh Why isn't camp in January? The anticipation is killing me!
youre not supposed to tell people that a certain band are playing einstein!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
you might frighten everyone away!! blink warned us that might happen if word got out...
Merry christmas :-)
ps five Australian bands and a "special" overseas band!!!
Fighting the Shakes are playing Camp too.
all the bands are "special" bro ;)
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